Monday, December 29, 2008

American Dress Size Change


50 million crooks "?

turns out that the PRI legislator Mario López Valdez believes that we are, and not just think you are but they want our fingerprints and less than (arguably) the bill is vetoed by the executive, we have to put our fingerprints, address and additional data that will make us easily identifiable against the real crooks who are not paid allowances.

Even more serious is that after the oligofrénico Lopez were 88 other legislators who failed to connect the guard neuron to neuron function and voted in favor of the initiative .

Read this gem:

in Mexico for 2007 predicted a total of more than 59 million cellular lines, that is the number of potential weapons available to the crime. Phone companies not only injure the economy of users with such high rates also put the technology for the crime of aggression as a vehicle to society, and without any control by the state, names and addresses of owners or users.

Where else except the head of a legislator should be to match a cell phone to a gun? "In the future will require a permit to carry cellular-data and providing it?

Seriously, there is no limit shit in our country surreal.

If only it had bothered to shop around Google would see that anybody else can download mobile cloning software , so even a Senator can "make" a serial number Cell. But why study if they are Senators? and what really is the rear exhaust so grueling legislative session.

Certainly cell provides strong anonymity and an extraordinary mobility. Some of the measures of legislation (an obligation for providers service to provide location and effectively disable a stolen phone) are very reasonable, but the logic of the citizen registration is equivalent to "sign" a priori to mediate citizens without prior offense. Under that same logic may propose some other idiot to imprison us all and we are extracting from jail by elimination.

What are the consequences of this new law idiot?

  • The (thousands) of firms selling handsets have unrestricted access to personal information including fingerprints, of all mobile users. And a correlation with purchasing power is not the same purchase surplus model 3 years ago that the last squeak of fashion. And the seller is knowledgeable addition to the type of payment made (cash, credit), so that at least one criminal will have potentially low-cost personal and financial information correlated, Let's save work.
  • More stolen phones! Absolutely. Have you tried to report a stolen cell phone? At least Telcel has a terrible attention-hours on the phone if not in office hours, or leave everything to go to a Telcel care office, whereas in the intervening hours and he could give "good" use the stolen phone. By phone, of course, to prevent the provider's to locate it.
  • A technological improvement in terms of cloning, release and support activities. At least this will help generate jobs for electronics and programmers who currently live off taxi drivers, street vendors and taco.
  • carefully old chips, using them from time to time so as not to lose validity. The chips currently in circulation will be a wonderful source of income.
  • Increased use of public telephones and IP telephony provider based in Russia or China-after Paypal payment anonymous, of course. And from a cafe for police to have a scapegoat.
  • complacency Mexican legislators who suddenly have a manic-compulsive legislative fever which forces them to throw initiatives to fool on any issue in a growing demagoguery. And this is more dangerous than the virtual kidnappings, as this is a law that effectively sequesters us.

How about work? Was Mexico a better country? Hopefully, which I doubt, that the executive has at least one finger and go against another idiotic masturbatory law.
The problem is that, of course, we are still leaving.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

What's The Best Goth Birthday Song?

two Big 40 Years In Photos!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Camouflage Wallpaper Canada

Air New Blog!

Passion Aeronautics Argentina, wants to congratulate German Rozada staff for this new venture Throwing to the network of networks, the Internet, with photos and comments, you will wonder here, thank you very much for all your contributions.

Visit it: Greetings

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How To Do The Unlimited Hack On A Sidekick

Last week I wrote about the TAC (total annual cost) which is an equation that calculates as we rob banks charge interest .
Someone was kind enough to leave a link to your own blog, very informative but at least inaccurate to say that the "CAT is possible to calculate uncomplicated."
False. The Lord who is master of public administration and will probably look easy calculated. Here's the hilarious way that is calculated ... gentlemen, I present to CAT, with a simplicity that allows Juan Pueblo calculate that both will owe the bank at the end of the j-th period after you have made your payment kth Or was the jth available? In short, clear as water and everything in finance:

Where ... Really worth explaining? Apply best dose of crack and methamphetamine, have strongly supported a bachelor's degree in mathematics (at least some engineering, please) and go to the site of the Bank of Mexico where they have the full explanation . That just Condusef and "information" will serve as pure hell anything.
No, it is not easy to calculate. It's easy for someone calculate it ... in case the same bank.
The following is a brief dialogue with a great friend of mine who lives in USA:

Gerardo: Zaz, I just got my statement from one of the cards. Alejandro
: What about? Gerardo
: 7.65%
Alejandro: Not bad! Gerardo
: "Monthly? Alejandro
: No mames! Here's a 30% interest and that scandal is in full crisis.

Not to mention the lovely practice of usury anatoicismo, which is charging interest on interest.

More on usury bank when I pass the tantrum.

Espartaaaaa This is Mexico!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Catering Liscence Alcohol

from Imaginary Borders sebastianarriagada on Vimeo .

Saturday, December 6, 2008

No Cd Age Of Empire Game Copy Wolrd

Mylanta And Black Stools

traveling south

Thursday, December 4, 2008

How To Make The Tracker Knife

Over CAT Designs idiots.

For some reason, everyone feels obliged to reinvent so much as the user interface. Some "reinvent" may be pleasantly successful as it was MacOS, Windows95 (so much so that Microsoft had to put a real operating system in 2000 and clown suit in XP). They managed to redo the UI in Vista and loose a lot of applications such as Messenger, Office and others, where things stop working like you used to ("Where was the File menu?") And the subsequent need for retraining applications. Interestingly

stand-apart-from existing Linux GUIs have religious discussions at the level of jihad on whether to imitate MSFT or do something himself, and the proposal was so that would imitate smooth transitions users from the Windows environment to GNOME or KDE.
Well, but there's the web, animal with its own life that exists in every browser, which unfortunately is not subject to a design conceived and consistently such as graphical environments, operating systems even have style guides for the design. Per
once inside the browser, it seems that everyone wants their web application is "cute" and preferably collect it rather expensive for the client, to make happy the staff of public relations and image and to saturate the pupils with colorcito and functions pyrotechnic complete. Too bad that both "Eye Candy" seems to end up creating "Eye Diabetes . Go

anecdotal example:
Yesterday, as any citizen of the world it occurred to me worry about my (huge) credit card debt at what comes in the short term, so I decided to visit this funny acronym for "National Commission for Protection and Defense of Financial Service Users (Heck, if from the name is overblown What to expect from your website ?).

By way of digression:
I unwholesome intention was to see which was the credit card with the lowest total annual cost to try to renegotiate my debt to Banamex "D'Super" that threatens to eat my first born grandchild, besides all others.
that in every way they are going to eat, either as an offering to the gods of money, as captives of the tax system to pay the unpayable debt to banks in Mexico and the teat suckle tax in the USA now make same, and would soon return to "rescue" in Mexico.
End of digression. Better still the subject of bailouts and write later.

Finally, after almost monkey navigation tester, I found the page of yore, where hopefully wanted to see the CAT of all cards from all banks. Oh, disappointment. I found this :

No way. To keep looking. And I found this other :

Well, to start I have more cards than those reported there (and it appears that I need a good bank), all with different CATs still remain the same bank. So your "information" was used for two things: for nothing and for pure hell scrubbed.

With the hope that more information had sought to have an indicator next page (the typical>>) but no. Until by chance spent the cursor on the upper right corner and the page began to curl, oh yeah, that fancy, how pretty, how cool! Sure
you have to drag the cursor to the line of stitching to the back page and can see that ... there is no relevant information.

suppose that the designer is fulfilled almost to the same extent that I descepcionado.
While flash is a wonderful tool, if what you want is accessible and clear, this is a pearl paginita what not to do.

good thing is that if it was tendered, someone won a wool.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Nadine Jansen And Milena

Pucara FMA IA-58 Gate Guardian Rio III - Aeroclub

Well here are some pictures of this guy that brings pigeons for his hole in the Plexiglas A pity, is in memory of 1st Lt. Mario V. Nivoli, born in Rio III, which fell in the Falklands with his A-4B when a Sea Wolf missile hit the plane (C-206) on May 12, 1982.

True enrollment of Pucara, which reads: The AX-04 prototype on which to make practices to give the system the ability torpedo. in a Plaza in Rio III in the province of Cordoba, Argentina.

(*) Van



Source: Arquologia Aeronautica Argentina
Photo: Club Pucarero (*)