My youngest student at Mexico High School Institute, the south-central Mexico City. Exactly here is
Yesterday, a colleague of his was hit, apparently by a mother rushed the girl was in critical condition.
In the mornings I take my son in public transport (which has its own high risks in this city) and I am witness to the long lines of cars waiting to leave exactly boys at the door of the school.
The problem is that it is in an "urban motorway" (Axis 8 south to be exact).
What is this? Say those who know Mexico City. There are wide avenues (4 to 6 lanes), some of which have what they call a "counterflow lane " which runs on public transport.
Until relatively recently, the "Infamous? Celebrities? "Parents of the Mexico Institute" simply parked in that lane, blocking the backflow heavy traffic ... tired, users of this and the media campaigned to prevent parking.
Now the situation is more risk to children: if the driver's side down, landed directly in the counterflow lane. Worse, there are parents that allow them to download the driver from the opposite side, landing in what would be the higher speed rail, surrounding the father's car and crossing the lane counterflow ...
So, yesterday, a hysterical mother by the time (Would that lead to children entering primary school 45 minutes later?) Invaded the counterflow lane in the opposite direction, and she Traffic is normally looked after by the left would never turned right and was savagely hit. The lady in question fled.
The reasons for this accident are many: a city that has grown chaotically, insufficient police resources to protect every school, the consistent lack of time and quickly continued to live in a city like Mexico and the lingering paranoia of not losing sight children in an unsafe city like this. Commenting
with my children about the accident we thought that sadly will blame everyone except the paranoia of having to surrender the children to 30 inches from the door of the school, and car ...
More on this later.
Current reading: "Thirteen" by Rafael Menjivar. Few pages read: shocking. More to the finish.
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