God and Psychology. Antonio José Lezama
(Part One)
When God created man, he did put his own picture on it both physically and mentally and spiritually. But to get to Eden sin broke the harmony that existed and the man began to reap the results of their disobedience. Had to leave their beautiful home and it also lost access to the tree of life the beginning of his physical decline and decay down to death, this is the story that on one hand tells us the gospel, the Bible and so the vast majority of religions on the planet.
been nearly six thousand years after the beginning of recorded history and more than fifteen thousand years of the successful start of the human species, but, like Adam, we have the promise of a restoration in the person of Jesus Christ, or a restoration of the hands of science. A restoration based on health, peace and perfection of character, a restoration of both soul and body, a restoration of modern life and wild life of man in a completely spiritual and physical restoration, free from sin and the promise secured on both sides of the healing of all diseases.
Mind-Body Relationship: Christ knew the fundamental link between mind and body, where the former influences the latter and vice versa. Science seeks the same knowledge through many of its branches, but my understanding of psychology. This relationship is sought for many diseases afflicting humanity today and that checks have their origin in the mind and can only be cured if he recovers her health. Psychology has studied the relationship between negative psychological states such as anxiety and depression, and immune system. The results suggest that depression and anxiety are associated with a decreased production of lymphocytes (white blood cell, especially for immunization) and natural activity for the destruction of invading cells, as well as decrease in blood total white blood cells and antibodies. So we get sick more if our mind is in depressed state. But on a personal level and now at the level of those who suffer from these depressions and the relapse into vice, I also remember reading about the issue of restoration, resurrection of the soul through the Temperance and resilience, said a psychologist that if people knew what they go through those who are in withdrawal symptoms during periods of recovery or they would not ask these people demanded such an effort, quite the contrary, would the alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and drugs in the hands of those who courageously impressive, try to reach healing. A doctor from the University of Health Sciences of Oregon has reviewed the literature on this subject and concluded that the repressed feelings of loss, denial, depression, inflexibility, conformity, lack of social ties, high levels of anxiety and dissatisfaction and many Life changing events are related to greater incidence of cancer, heart disease and infections.
Remedies God Given this situation we have the inspired counsel that if the mind is free and happy, by doing good conscience and a sense of satisfaction in making others happy, it creates a joy that acts on the whole system, resulting in better blood circulation and toning the entire body. Solomon wrote about 900 years before Christ: "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones" (Proverbs 17:22) and David his father also said his experience with the guilt describing "When I kept silence I was aged bones "(Psalm 32:3). God know how happiness increases our immunity and protect us from disease, has left us many times the command: "Joyful Feel Me," "Rejoice", "Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory," "Shout unto God with joy, all land. Sing the glory of his name. " God is our creator and as such is well aware of how our body and mind. He sent his son to have "life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). His desire is to see us happy and to obey its laws can be. It invites us to have an optimistic mind, happy, confident His promises, free from anxiety and guilt, knowing that this way we are being "vaccinated against any disease."
about God and the solution to the problems that beset us today, I have read repeatedly on Temperance. "Men will never be tempered until the grace of Christ is a living principle in the heart." Circumstances can not bring about reforms, Christianity proposes a reform of the heart. What Christ work in, be carried out under the dictation of an intellect developed. The plan to start trying to work out and inland has always failed, so the only way to be free of diseases and defects is beginning to work from the inside, from the heart, from the soul and then work outwards. One of the most deplorable effects of the original apostasy was the loss of the ability of self-control by man. Only to the extent that power is restored can be no true progress, the body is the only means by which the mind and soul are developed for character building. Hence, the adversary of souls should focus its temptations to the weakening and degradation of the physical. His success in this subject involves the evil of our whole being. Unless they are under the control of a higher power, the propensities of our physical nature will entail certainly ruin and death. The body has to be put in subjection by the temperance of our soul.
Remedies Psychology: Psychologist always tries to reconstruct what the man has lost in adversity. "We became survivors only when our inner nature lacks strength, courage and character, and with the constant changes and lack of success and hope sedemos under pressure, looking for new vice crutch to stay alive at least one more day. " Psychology looks at the depths of our minds the reasons and causes of the loss of character, lack of adaptation to change and because of the fall in vice and sign classes are perceived to look for a pattern existing in all human beings to certain behaviors. But despite all their studies there is something she still does not understand, said the great psychologist Al Siebert "we must study and understand people with mental health so good that life could survive extreme hardship without becoming patients psychological and even emerge stronger than before. " This mental health science of psychology has been called Resilience: the ability of a person or group to continue projecting into the future despite destabilizing events of hardship and sometimes severe trauma. Resilience is located in a stream of positive psychology and dynamics of mental health promotion and appears a reality confirmed by the testimony of many people who, despite having experienced a traumatic situation, have managed to fit it and continue to unfold and living, even at a superior, as if the trauma and assumed they had developed in dormant and unsuspected resources. The current scientific literature demonstrates conclusively that the resilience is a common response and its appearance does not indicate pathology, but a healthy adjustment to adversity.
It is here where the world and all the Greek sages, which definitely admire, decided to Union Place a small and balanced between science and God, this union was called Philosophy, and stating that this is just a personal thought, not a universal rule, and so I think the philosophy. So I give credit to God and then expect science to give even the benefit of the doubt, we could not call this resilience that have some human beings, temperance, of which God speaks to us both in my personal readings these two concepts are so definitely make me like him even propose to the Royal Academy of the English language in their dictionaries consider placing these two words as synonyms. That if they tell everyone they have a chance reading this is that when we have a family member, friend, your partner sick of soul and mind or just sick of stress or schizophrenia, seek to strengthen our own resilience, our own Temperance, not ever try to help a person with these diseases if we ourselves are not of sound mind and strengthened in mind, let the shepherds of the Lord work with his strength and temperance, let the Psychologists work with their wisdom and resilience, both hands full of grace is always of God.