Loreto C-46 moves ...
a stir on Route 9 in Loreto
LORETO, Loreto (C) The traditional quiet nap Capital Rosquete was altered by the transfer of the aircraft, symbol of the city, which was in the plaza Air Force and was relocated to the northern entrance of the city where he built a small square, which also will mount an image of Our Lady of Loreto in the midst of a select parks. The plane, pulled by a tractor under the watchful gaze of the workers, circulated more than 1500 meters along the National Route 9 and the journey had to overcome more a difficulty, especially once it was caba cross under a crossing of wires, most of which were far below the top of the ship. Many vehicles, including individual author, collective and long-distance large-sized trucks, had to remain on the side of the road in some cases more than two hours, and their drivers are entertained as spectators a rare show. The transfer of the plane to a new location because it was where he was, to be built now access the new hospital in the city. A similar story lived the old plane in 1980 between the capital and Loreto, when it was donated by the province so that formed Part theme park Air Force Argentina, which is located on a stretch of six hundred meters between the former railway tracks Belgrano and the National Route 9. At that time was of Mayor Humberto Daher (deceased), who took over the operation of transfer to José Fernandez (deceased), who served as general foreman of the municipality of Loreto. Many santiagueños remember the strange incident that paralyzed the city when the aluminum giant, heavily traveled inch by inch its way along Avenida Belgrano, from his right wing to meters Province Bank, cutting cables and tree branches in its wake, the fact that he took so great news Buenos Aires echoed. C46 bomber in its fuselage bears the inscription Huaira Sorckoj and came to the province in the mid-seventies.
DISCLAIMER: As usual in this type of note, the journalists from the newspapers do not always know aviation and forwarded to write that others commented. Because of this error slipped the aircraft type as the Curtiss C-46 Commando is not a bomber but a transport plane.
Source: http://www.elliberal.com.ar/index.php
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