when one wants you to go bald hair
(my vision of the XXI century socialism)
In this new millennium, any government of a socialist and of course not seek self-respect approach to care, or the comparison of a socialist government totally failed as the tax in totalitarian Cuba by Fidel Castro, on the contrary, seek rapprochement and targeting successful egalitarian socialist governments like the Canadian and French, but why the fixation on Chavez to Havana? and not to Ottawa or Paris, then, I find only the most cursory explanation that the Castro government has been in office indefinitely because being in power since 1959 and when he should deliver this after the fall of Soviet communism in 1991, to make a economic openness to save his beloved country, simply showed more love and power on that the people that claims to protect. This leads me to think and visualize a completely disowned Chavez and reluctant to hand over the mandate in 2012, the record, or compare myself to sleep no soothsayer Nostradamus or the like, but who in this government and it is hardly ? For example, today I can tell you everything, absolutely everything that will appear tomorrow on the news of "Venezolana de Television" channel of most Venezuelans, according to the government's own 2% of the population, for more. For example might say that the narrator will say "President Hugo Chavez denounced a major new intrusion by the imperialism through their infiltration pitiyanquis of the opposition "then say" the National Assembly examines the adoption of the new bill submitted by President Hugo Chavez denounced commander to Members contrary to the process and traitors, to receive instructions from media owners to sabotage the proposed new law "and of course failed to mention" the moral power to investigate to the latest announcement of new allegations result of assassination made public by President Hugo Chávez commander "... of course I will say," how easy it is to guess what will to tell the narrator's news that channel, "well, I think, and this hurts more if I have to know, to tell you that I will narrator to tell the guy not say for example that in the Pan American Highway 10 drivers were assaulted while in congestion that took them two hours to travel 16 miles to the complaint in a state or municipal police are not equipped with computers not enough staff to attend a case of such low importance; not going to say that the son of Mrs. Mary died after having received five bullet wounds to steal a pair of shoes, 50 of which Bs are not as strong and the cell, although the young man arrived at the hospital alive, could not be seen by the doctors, they did not have the material to meet this emergency; not say that Mr. Wilfredo was infranganti arrested and police said, after an intelligence operation, while robbing a supermarket in a bag of bread, because the money I had intended for it was stolen before reaching home, the suspect confessed. It is painful to have to know what will happen tomorrow a news program that only serves to catapult the personal projects of the government and not pay the slightest attention to the facts that are destroying the hope of Venezuelans. Now, what most concerns me is that in the future when the Venezuelans hear talk of socialism, associating the word with the current failed system of government as the works of the most, especially the most important policy decisions economic, are nothing socialites, it is worrying that a true socialist government really interested in Health, Education and Social Security personal and Venezuelans, like wanting to take ownership in the country, is associated with this rope gobiernera of Chavez and not taken into account. So you want to leave raised to complete what I think means the so-called 21st century socialism, I'll explain simply, when a bald man wants to be out of new hair, it's that, something that is impossible to understand, something that the owner himself head is a utopia, it's just a screen for a personal project I stop being social, political decision-making economic are getting as ugly as the bald man with hair in the photo. José Antonio Oman
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