Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What Does Positive Hemocrit

grace - Gliding Club Caranchos

A little history: It was

1958. In the city of serving as Mayor Engineer John Constantini, who with the aim of providing the city with a suitable aerodrome, citing a meeting of a group of neighbors, whom he received on 16 November.
On January 6, 1959 appointing an Interim Committee, which was chaired by Commander Edmundo Osvaldo Weiss, and Vice President Dr. Peter Perino Cáceres.

On March 8, 1959 is made the Ordinary General Assembly which led to the founding of the Club.

Well now a little of my story:

ran to catch the bus to Alta Gracia in Cordoba to not lose in 2005, to hang out with a group of students, the meeting was the first flight of a group of students in the ICA, which performs the private pilot course theoretical, and they would perform the baptism in flight gliders the Caranchos Gliding Club, located in the high-flying club grace, well I can say I enjoy seeing a nice day these machines quiet, a beautiful flight, here are some of the photos you take with the first digital camera I had on hand to take pictures of planes are my passion, are the pictures: High Aeroclub


The Gliding Club Caranchos




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